“Then he who had received the one talent came and said,
‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and
gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was
afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you
have what is yours.’
“But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy
servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have
not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers,
and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore
take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten
‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will
have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken
away. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ – Matthew 25:24-30
I woke up in Medellin, Colombia this morning complaining. It
took several hours of praying, worshiping and reading God’s Word to get me out
of the gloomy mood I was in. Why was I gloomy? Unlike many who will read this I
don’t have the luxury of sleeping in late on a Sunday morning, getting my
family loaded into the car and head down to the local church where I can meet
with my friends and other church members, preach, pray and sing, and then get
back in the car and head over to Furr’s Cafeteria for lunch.
With fond memories I remember going to the
fellowship/breakfast time at the Evangelical Free Church that I attended in
Grand Junction, Colorado. Those breakfast burritos and biscuits and gravy while
visiting with fellow believers was a great way to warm up for a worship service
in which our pastor taught sound Biblical doctrine and called us to use our
gifts to better those around us. Like most who read this, I left stuffed to the
gills with the Gospel, but did absolutely nothing with it. I don’t know if the
term “spiritual gluttony” exists, but it should, because that’s really what it
I no longer have that luxury of spiritual gluttony on Sunday
mornings. You see, I fell in love with a woman from Medellin, Colombia and
chose to come live in her home. It’s also become my home. There are no First
Baptist, First Presbyterian, First Methodist, Evangelical Free Church or any
other Protestant Churches available for me to attend in Medellin and if there
was, hopping in the car and going to one wouldn’t be the order of the day.
There are thousands of Roman Catholic Churches, but joining myself to them is
firmly against Jesus’ call on my life. My only spiritual fellowship comes from
afar and it is often very limited.
As I prayed about this and lamented to Jesus this morning,
He pointed out that He had spent more than 40 years preparing me for what I’m
doing. He made me comfortable with being alone and silent when He placed me on
the back of a horse on my family’s ranch in Colorado where you often spent
hours without seeing any other human. He has grounded me in His Word and taught
me to trust in it above the voice of the preacher. He’s given me a wife who
prays and supports me in all that I do and her family who loves me and supports
me. He has given me family and friends across the world who uphold me with
their prayers and support as well.
I could have fought the enormous battle of trying to take my
wife to the U.S. (where illegal immigrants receive amnesty, but legitimate ones
aren’t allowed in without going through a mountain of red tape and a fortune in
cash), but that’s not what Jesus had in mind for me. He brought me here to
delivery me from unrepentant sin and for healing and He accomplished that in my
life. He also brought me here to bring the Gospel to a people who are greatly
deceived by the Roman Cult. He gave me wisdom and understanding concerning the
errors, but He has forbid me from attacking those errors head on. He has given
me one charge, just like He has given every one of you. He has asked me to
exalt His holy name and present His gospel of salvation. He’s given me the
skill to draw out the scriptures in a way that draws people to Him. I could
attack and debate and prove the great wisdom that He has blessed me with, but
that’s not what He’s asked me to do.
I have the understanding that not all who receive the gospel
will be saved. I also understand that not all who cry out Lord, Lord will be
saved, but it is not given to me or anyone else an understanding of who is and
is not truly saved. It does not matter. Jesus did not tell us to sort the weeds
from the wheat, He told us to help harvest the wheat. So, I awaken every
morning at 4:30 a.m., I send out the daily devotionals that reach people from
Malaysia and Australia who are halfway through their day and to those on the
West Coast of the U.S. who have only been in bed for a few hours. These
devotionals are in both English and Spanish (thanks to the help of my wife).
They reach people right here in Colombia and around the world exalting the name
of Jesus and drawing all who can hear His voice calling to them.
After I send out the devotionals, I spend time in the Word
and praying for Jesus to be exalted in the lives of my friends, family and
those who read the devotionals who I do not even know. It is usually 7:00 a.m.
before I am finished with this work I’ve been given and I’m ready to start my
work day.
I tell you these things not to boast, but to tell you that I
am weary. Jesus feeds me enough daily to get me through the day, but I have no “spiritual
gluttony.” I lie down at night exhausted and praying that Jesus’ voice will be
heard by even a few of the 4 million lost and deceived who surround me in
Medellin. I pray for the 700,000 people in Peru who are without homes and clean
water and for the lives of the thousands of fellow Colombians who were made
homeless, widowed, orphaned and had their children snatched away from them in
Mocoa. What hope do you think these people have when they have been taught
empty doctrine which calls them to pray to a dead woman, fashioned in the image
of the goddess Ashtoreth, and long dead saints who have no power to deliver
them? I pray with great earnestness that the Lord will give me enough time to
reach the lost sheep that I am sent to minister to before such a catastrophe
hits them.
Wealth was never given to me. Authority and position have eluded
me. I have been blessed with one great gift and I have to use it to my very
best ability. For too long, I buried my talent in the ground and basked in “spiritual
gluttony.” Thanks be to Jesus that He did not allow me to leave it buried,
because had I left it buried, I would have been just like the man in the
parable of the talents above.
I’m calling out to you to dig up your talents and use them.
At the very minimum, you can support me with your prayers and make certain that
Quail Songs and Canciones de Codorniz are shared with anyone and everyone who
might need to have Jesus exalted in their lives on a daily basis (I can’t think
of anyone who doesn’t). You, your friends and your church can be of enormous
support to me with your prayers and encouragement. As you’re basking in “spiritual
gluttony” today, remember the command you were given, remember the parable of
the talents and remember that there are those who are in desperate need for
Jesus to be exalted in their lives.
Let he who has ear to ear and eyes to see understand that
the big fish is swimming your way and Ninevah has need of a prophet. The field
is white for harvest and the workers are few. Though I am weary and I long for
those former days, I would not trade my exhaustion for them and hide my talent
in the ground. Rest will come when I’m called home and weariness will be
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