Saturday, September 30, 2017

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 2

Ustedes, los reyes, sean prudentes;

    déjense enseñar, gobernantes de la tierra.

Sirvan al Señor con temor;

    con temblor ríndanle alabanza.

Para más estudio: Isaías 1:24-31

Nota: Para aquellos que son nuevos en el sitio, bienvenidos, que el Señor los bendiga junto con aquellos que están orando a través de estos Salmos. Estos vínculos no son una inmersión rápida en la Palabra de Dios, sino que están destinados a suscitar la oración dentro de ustedes mientras meditan en la Palabra de Dios. Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor.

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 2

Now therefore, be wise, O kings;

Be instructed, you judges of the earth.

Serve the Lord with fear,

And rejoice with trembling.

For further study: Isaiah 1:24-31

Note: For those who are new to the site, welcome, may the Lord bless you along with those who are praying through these Psalms. These links are not a quick dip in the Word of God, but are intended to stir up prayer within you as you meditate on God's word. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 147

El Señor no se deleita en los bríos del caballo,

    ni se complace en la fuerza del hombre,

sino que se complace en los que le temen,

    en los que confían en su gran amor.

Para más estudio: Mateo 23:1-12

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 147

He does not delight in the strength of the horse;

He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.

The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,

In those who hope in His mercy.

Psalm 147

For further study: Matthew 23:1-12

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 146

No pongan su confianza en gente poderosa,

    en simples mortales, que no pueden salvar.

Exhalan el espíritu y vuelven al polvo,

    y ese mismo día se desbaratan sus planes.

Para estudio adicional: Mateo 6:1-7

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 146

Do not put your trust in princes,

Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. 

His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; 

In that very day his plans perish.

For further study: Matthew 6:1-7

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 144

Señor, ¿qué es el mortal para que lo cuides?

    ¿Qué es el ser humano para que en él pienses?

Todo mortal es como un suspiro;

    sus días son fugaces como una sombra.

Salmo 144

Para más estudio: Mateo 6:25-34

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 144

Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him?

Or the son of man, that You are mindful of him?

Man is like a breath;

His days are like a passing shadow.

For further study: Matthew 6:25-34

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

La falta de sustancia nos está matando

Dichoso el hombre
    que no sigue el consejo de los malvados,
    ni se detiene en la senda de los pecadores
    ni cultiva la amistad de los blasfemos,
sino que en la ley del Señor se deleita,
    y día y noche medita en ella.
Es como el árbol
    plantado a la orilla de un río
que, cuando llega su tiempo, da fruto
    y sus hojas jamás se marchitan.
¡Todo cuanto hace prospera!
- Salmo 1:1-3

Mientras oraba esta mañana y suplicaba al Señor porque me sentía débil y cansado, Él me mostró lo que está minando mi energía. A algunos de ustedes no les va a gustar lo que tengo que decir esta mañana. Sin embargo, algunos de ustedes se regocijarán en ella.

Reprende al sabio, y él te amará. - Proverbios 9:8

Durante el año pasado, me he repetido cientos de veces y he dicho una sola cosa una y otra vez:

Humíllate y exalta a Jesús.

Ahora, por favor entiendan que debo participar en esta reprensión, porque tampoco soy perfecto en este sentido. He vagado fuera de pista a veces y empujado mi propio orgullo frente a la voluntad y la gloria de Jesucristo también. Mientras escribo estoy abrumado con mi propia culpa, pero eso no descarta ni disminuye lo que hay que declarar. Aquí está:


¿Qué prueba tengo de esto? Ve a ver tus páginas de medios sociales. ¿Qué hiciste ayer? ¿Qué tal el día anterior? ¿Qué has hecho en la semana o el mes pasado? ¿Con cuánta gente ha discutido, maldecido, menospreciado, acusado, juzgado, ofendido, etc.? ¿Sobre qué declaraciones o temas ha estado más enfocado? ¿Estás siendo arrojado de un tema a otro? Considera esto:

"En aquel tiempo muchos se apartarán de la fe; unos a otros se traicionarán y se odiarán; y surgirá un gran número de falsos profetas que engañarán a muchos. Habrá tanta maldad que el amor de muchos se enfriará".

¿Esto suena algo como lo que está sucediendo en todo el Internet y las noticias y con casi todas las interacciones que estamos comprometidos? Algunos se sorprenderán al saber que esta es una declaración de la boca de Jesús. La mayoría de ustedes se sorprenderán al saber de dónde viene; Mateo 24:10-12. Este es el mismo capítulo que muchos se han estado enfocando para discutir sus teorías sobre el regreso de Jesús, pero ¿alguna vez discuten este pasaje? ¿No porque? ¿Es porque es una realidad que parece un poco demasiado cerca de casa?

¿Qué ha estado discutiendo en las redes sociales? ¿Por qué estás peleando contra otros? ¿A quién levantas cuando haces esas cosas? ¿Te estás levantando o levantando a Jesús? No puedo acusarte más de lo que puedo acusarme. Aun en reprender y corregir falsas enseñanzas y falsas profecías, a veces me he glorificado en mí mismo y en mi propia sabiduría; dándome palmaditas en la espalda.

¿Qué significa humillarse y exaltar a Jesús?

En la mayoría de los casos, y esto va a ser bastante contundente, significa callarse y escuchar. Cállate y escucha puede decirse de otra manera...

Quédense quietos, reconozcan que yo soy Dios.
    ¡Yo seré exaltado entre las naciones!
    ¡Yo seré enaltecido en la tierra! - Salmos 46:10

Nunca olvidaré el tono áspero de mi abuelo siempre que estuviéramos intentando acorralar un manojo de ganado y mi charla y el llevar encendido estaba limitado para asustarlos y estropear lo que estábamos intentando hacer. Normalmente era bastante paciente con mi afán, pero en esos momentos, él diría muy agudamente: "¡Quédate quieto!" En consecuencia, cuando leo el pasaje anterior, oigo esa misma reprensión.

En nuestro afán de defender nuestras creencias, nuestros principios e incluso nuestra fe, hemos llegado a un punto de parloteo en lugar de estar quieto y escuchando. Ponemos un gran volumen de cosas por ahí, pero ¿cuánto tiene alguna sustancia? Aquí es donde quiero volver al pasaje de las Escrituras que dirigía este post. Quiero empezar con la frase: " Dichoso el hombre “ o “Bendito es el hombre".

Por un tiempo muy largo, cerca de 40 años, creí que esto era una declaración de la recompensa para quienquiera satisfecho lo que vino después de él tiene gusto:

Bienaventurado el que está de luto, porque él será consolado.
Bienaventurados los pacificadores, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios.
Bienaventurados los pobres en espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de Dios.

Y luego llegué a otro pasaje que era diferente:

Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor.

Esto fue dicho de Jesús cuando entró en Jerusalén montado en el potrillo de un burro. ¡Espere! ¿No era ya bendecido antes de que Él viniera? Ciertamente lo era. Nunca dejó de ser bendecido. Entonces, ¿cómo podría, "bendito es Él", significar una recompensa por algo que Él hizo? ¿Qué pasa si esa declaración significa ... "El que ya es bendecido ..." Cuando lo probé en esa forma, una nueva comprensión de las Escrituras se abrió a mí. Miremos los pasajes otra vez.

El hombre que ya está bendecido, se lamentará, pero también será consolado.
El hombre que ya es bendecido será un pacificador y será llamado el hijo de Dios.
El hombre que ya es bendecido será pobre en espíritu, pero heredará el Reino de Dios.

Le reto a leer el quinto capítulo de Mateo de esta manera. Es muy iluminador lo que Jesús promete al hombre regenerado o "bendito", no como una recompensa por lo que hace, sino como algo que aquellos que permanecen en Jesús ya tienen el potencial de convertirse. Realmente llega a casa cuando volvemos al Salmo 1. Parafraseado dice:

El hombre que ya ha sido bendecido no andará en el consejo de los impíos, no permanecerá en el camino de los pecadores, no se sentará en el asiento de los escarnecedores, pero se deleitará en la ley del Señor y meditará en él día y noche…

Una persona llena del Espíritu Santo, una persona bendecida, seguirá estas cosas. Estas cosas darán forma a sus actitudes. Estas cosas son atributos de la nueva persona que se convirtió en Jesús cuando el Espíritu Santo entró en ti y te hizo convertirte en una nueva creación. ¡Esto es lo que realmente eres!

Así que les digo: Vivan por el Espíritu, y no seguirán los deseos de la naturaleza pecaminosa. Porque esta desea lo que es contrario al Espíritu, y el Espíritu desea lo que es contrario a ella. Los dos se oponen entre sí, de modo que ustedes no pueden hacer lo que quieren. - Gálatas 5:16-17

Hermanos y hermanas, estamos persiguiendo cosas que no importan. Estamos discutiendo creencias y principios, y estamos luchando unos contra otros y contra otros por las cosas que deberían ser, usar el propio lenguaje de Pablo, "contados como basura" (Filipenses 3:8). compartiendo con los que estamos de acuerdo, pasajes de las Escrituras y citas de grandes teólogos o no tan grandes teólogos. Pasamos a lo largo de cosas que suenan bien, pero no son realmente verdad. La mayoría de las veces, ni siquiera estamos leyendo lo que estamos discutiendo o pasando! Pasamos a lo largo de oraciones y canciones e historias sobre supuestos milagros y ... suspiro ... bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. ¿No estamos cansados ​​de estas cosas? ¿No estamos agobiados y abrumados? ¿No estamos ponderándonos tanto que somos completamente ineficaces? Leelo de nuevo:

Dichoso el hombre
    que no sigue el consejo de los malvados,
    ni se detiene en la senda de los pecadores
    ni cultiva la amistad de los blasfemos,
sino que en la ley del Señor se deleita,
    y día y noche medita en ella.

¿Estamos asi? ¿Es lo que estamos haciendo toda la sustancia del Evangelio de Jesucristo y la justicia de nuestro Señor? ¿Meditamos en el Señor, Su ley y Su justicia por un momento, y mucho menos día y noche? Mantenga esas cosas en mente mientras leemos la última parte. El hombre dichoso o bendito:

Es como el árbol
    plantado a la orilla de un río
que, cuando llega su tiempo, da fruto
    y sus hojas jamás se marchitan.
    ¡Todo cuanto hace prospera!

¿Es esa tu vida? ¿Eres tu un árbol firmemente plantado junto a un río de agua que da fruto? ¿Con qué frecuencia se seca tus hojas? ¿Estás edificado en Jesús? He cambiado el tiempo, no porque no estoy incluido, pero con el fin de hacer estas preguntas más personales para ti. ¿Las cosas que haces prosperan? No estoy hablando de dinero, salud, éxito, etc. ¿Las cosas que tu dices y haces tienen verdadera sustancia y valor redentor en ellas? ¿Alguien prospera de lo que dices y haces, incluyéndote a ti mismo? ¿Te estás humillando y exaltando a Jesús en tu lugar?

Un hombre bendecido hará estas cosas cuando camine en el Espíritu más que en la carne. Estoy fuertemente condenado por Romanos 8:13, especialmente cuando lo leo en la Versión King James:

Porque si vivís según la carne, moriréis; mas si por el Espíritu mortificáis las obras del cuerpo, viviréis.

Mortifica la carne. ¡Mátalo! No sigan permitiendo que los deseos de su carne crezcan junto a la nueva creación en el Espíritu que ustedes se han convertido. ¡Camine en el Espíritu! Ser un árbol plantado junto a los ríos de agua. ¡Fruta del oso! Eso es lo que tu nueva vida está destinado a hacer y ser!

Permítanme a terminar con una historia que escuché. No sé la veracidad de esto, pero la imagen es ciertamente algo para despertar su comprensión. Se dice que en Tarso, el lugar de donde Pablo sangraba, había un castigo particularmente firme por los asesinos. Al parecer, la persona que fue asesinada estaba atada a la espalda del asesino y dejada allí. A medida que el cadáver de la espalda del asesino empezaba a pudrirse, naturalmente comenzaría a pudrir la carne de la persona viva también. De esta manera, el asesino moriría lentamente por su ofensa.

Si esta historia es verdadera, entonces ciertamente entiendes la urgencia de Pablo para que vivas y andes en el Espíritu en vez de caminar con carne podrida atada a tu espalda. Jesucristo llevó tus pecados por ti en la cruz. Hizo posible que tuvieras nueva vida. Él envió su Espíritu para llenarte y convertirte en una nueva creación que es adecuada para el Reino de los Cielos. Arrojó ese cuerpo muerto y podrido de tu espalda. ¿Cuánto tiempo más piensa ponerlo de nuevo allí y llevarlo alrededor?

¡Hermanos y hermanas, su falta de sustancia te está matando! ¡Humíllate y exalta a Jesús, en quien es tu sustancia!

NOTA: En los próximos meses, voy a seguir dedicando este blog a proveer substancia diaria para sus devociones, tanto en inglés como en español, orando a través de los Salmos. Por favor únase a mí y anime a otros a hacer lo mismo.

A Lack of Substance Is Killing Us

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
    Nor stands in the path of sinners,
    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
– Psalm 1:1-3

As I was praying this morning and pleading with the Lord because I felt weak and weary, He showed me what it is that is sapping my energy. Some of you are not going to like what I have to say this morning. However, some of you will rejoice in it.

Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. – Proverbs 9:8

For the past year, I have repeated myself hundreds of times and said only one thing over and over again:

Humble yourself and exalt Jesus.

Now, please understand that I must share in this rebuke, because I am not perfect in this regard either. I have wandered off track at times and pushed my own pride out in front of the will and glory of Jesus Christ as well. As I write I am overwhelmed with my own guilt, but that does not dismiss or lessen what needs to be declared. Here it is:


What proof do I have of this? Go look at your social media pages. What did you do yesterday? How about the day before that? What have you done in the past week or month? How many people have you argued with, cursed, belittled, accused, judged, been offended by, etc.? Over what statements or subject matters have you been most focused? Are you being tossed from one subject to another? Consider this:

“And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

Does this sound anything like what is going on all over the internet and news and with almost every interaction we are engaged? Some will be surprised to learn that this is a statement from the mouth of Jesus. Most of you will be surprised to learn where it comes from; Matthew 24:10-12. This is the very chapter so many have been focusing on to argue their theories about the return of Jesus, but do they ever discuss this passage? No. Why? Is it because it is a reality that strikes a little too close to home?

What have you been arguing about on social media? Why are you contending against others? Who are you lifting up when you do those things? Are you lifting up yourself or lifting up Jesus? I can accuse you no more than I can accuse myself. Even in rebuking and correcting false teachings and false prophesies, I have, at times, gloried in myself and in my own wisdom; patting myself on the back.

What does it mean to humble yourself and exalt Jesus?

In most cases, and this is going to be pretty blunt, it means to shut up and listen. Shut up and listen can be said in another way…

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! – Psalm 46:10

I will never forget the harsh tone of my grandfather whenever we were trying to corral a bunch of cattle and my chattering and carrying on was bound to spook them and mess up what we were trying to do. He was normally pretty patient with my eagerness, but in those moments, he would very sharply say, “Be still!” Consequently, when I read the above passage, I hear that same rebuke.

In our eagerness to defend our beliefs, our principles and even our faith we have come to a point of chattering rather than being still and listening. We put a high volume of stuff out there, but how much of it has any substance to it? This is where I want to return to the scripture passage that headed this post. I want to start off with the phrase, “Blessed is the man.

For a very long time, about 40 years, I believed that this was a statement of reward for whomever fulfilled whatever came after it like:

Blessed is he who mourns, for he shall be comforted.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.

And then I came to another passage that was different:

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

This was said of Jesus as He entered into Jerusalem riding on the colt of a donkey. Wait! Wasn’t He already blessed before He came? He most certainly was. He never stopped being blessed. So, how could, “blessed is He,” mean a reward for something that He did? What if that phrase means… “He who is already blessed…” When I tried it out in that form, a whole new understanding of scripture opened up to me. Let’s look at the passages again.

The man who is already blessed will mourn, but he will also be comforted.

The man who is already blessed will be a peacemaker and will be called the son of God.

The man who is already blessed will be poor in spirit, but will inherit the Kingdom of God.

I challenge you to read the fifth chapter of Matthew in this manner. It is extremely enlightening what Jesus promises to the regenerate or “blessed man,” not as a reward for what he does, but as something those who abide in Jesus already have the potential of becoming. It really hits home when we come back to Psalm 1. Paraphrased it says:

The man who is already blessed will not walk in the counsel of the wicked, will not stand in the path of sinners, will not sit in the seat of scoffers, but he will delight in the law of the Lord and will meditate on it day and night…

A person filled with the Holy Spirit, a "blessed" person, will follow after these things. These things will shape his or her attitudes. These things are attributes of the new person you became in Jesus when the Holy Spirit entered you and caused you to become a new creation.

This is who you really are!

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. – Galatians 5:16-17

Brothers and sisters, we are chasing after things that do not matter. We are arguing beliefs and principles, and we are contending against each other and against others over things that should be, to use Paul’s own language, “counted as rubbish (Philippians 3:8).”

We dash about whipping up memes, liking or sharing ones we agree with, passages of scripture and quotes from great theologians or not so great theologians. We pass along things that sound good, but are not really true. Most of the time, we aren’t even reading what we are arguing against or passing along! We pass along prayers and songs and stories about supposed miracles and… sigh… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Are we not weary of these things? Are we not burdened and overwhelmed? Are we not weighing ourselves down so much that we are completely ineffective? Read it again:

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
    Nor stands in the path of sinners,
    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    And in His law he meditates day and night.

Are we? Is what we are doing the whole substance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the righteousness of our Lord? Do we meditate on the Lord, His law and His righteousness even for a moment, let alone day and night? Keep these things in mind as we read the last part. The blessed man:

…shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

Is that your life? Are you a firmly planted tree beside a river of water that brings forth fruit? How often does your leaf wither? Are you built up in Jesus? I switched the tense, not because I’m not included, but in order to make these questions more personal to you. Do the things that you do prosper? I’m not talking about money, health, success, etc. Do the things that you say and do have true substance and redemptive value in them? Does anyone prosper from what you say and do, including yourself? Are you humbling yourself and exalting Jesus in your place?

A "blessed man" will do these things when he walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh. I am heavily convicted by Romans 8:13, especially when I read it in the King James Version:

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

Mortify the flesh. Kill it! Do not continue to allow the desires of your flesh to grow alongside the new creation you have become in the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit! Be a tree planted beside rivers of water. Bear fruit! That is what your new life is meant to do and be!

Let me finish with a story I heard. I do not know the veracity of this, but the imagery is certainly something to awaken your understanding. It is said that in Tarsus, the place from which Paul haled, there was a particularly firm punishment for murderers. Allegedly, the person who was murdered was tied to the back of the murderer and left there. As the corpse upon the murderer’s back began to rot, it would, of course, begin to rot the flesh of the living person as well. In this way, the murderer would slowly die for his offense.

If this story is true, then you certainly understand Paul’s urgency for you to live and walk in the Spirit rather than walking around with rotting flesh tied to your back. Jesus Christ bore your sins for you on the cross. He made it possible for you to have new life. He sent His Spirit to fill you and make you into a new creation which is suited for the Kingdom of Heaven. He tossed that dead, rotting corpse off of your back. How much longer do you intend to put it back on there and carry it around?

Brother or sister, your lack of substance is killing you! Humble yourself and exalt Jesus who is your substance!

NOTE: In the coming months, I am going to continue to dedicate this blog to providing daily substance for your devotions, in both English and Spanish, by praying through the Psalms. Please join me and encourage others to do the same.

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 141

Señor, ponme en la boca un centinela;

    un guardia a la puerta de mis labios.

No permitas que mi corazón se incline a la maldad,

    ni que sea yo cómplice de iniquidades;

no me dejes participar de banquetes

    en compañía de malhechores.

Para más estudios: Santiago 3

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 141

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth;

Keep watch over the door of my lips.

Do not incline my heart to any evil thing,

To practice wicked works

With men who work iniquity;

And do not let me eat of their delicacies.

Psalm 141

For further study: James 3

Monday, September 25, 2017

Oraciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 139

¿Dónde puedo ir de tu Espíritu?

¿O dónde puedo huir de Tu presencia?

Si yo subo al cielo, tú estás allí;

Si hago mi cama en el infierno, he aquí, tú estás allí.

Si tomo las alas de la mañana,

Y habitar en las partes extremas del mar,

Aun allí tu mano me guiará,

Y tu diestra me abrazará.

Salmo 139

Para más estudio: Hebreos 3:3-11

Prayers of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 139

Where can I go from Your Spirit?

Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend into heaven, You are there;

If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

If I take the wings of the morning,

And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

Even there Your hand shall lead me,

And Your right hand shall hold me.

For further study: Hebrews 3:3-11

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 130

Si Tú, Señor, marca las iniquidades,
Oh Señor, ¿quién podría soportarlo?
Pero hay perdón con Ti,
Que Usted puede ser temido.

Salmo 130

Para estudio adicional: Efesios 1:7-14

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 130

If You, Lord, should mark iniquities,

O Lord, who could stand?

But there is forgiveness with You,

That You may be feared.

For further study: Ephesians 1:7-14

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 123

A Ti Levanto mis ojos,

Oh Vosotros que moráis en los cielos.

He aquí, como los ojos de los siervos miran a la mano de sus amos,

Como los ojos de una criada a la mano de su amante,

Así nuestros ojos miran al Señor nuestro Dios,

Hasta que Él tenga misericordia de nosotros.

Salmo 123

Para más estudio: Daniel 9:3-12

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 123

Unto You I lift up my eyes,

O You who dwell in the heavens.

Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters,

As the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress,

So our eyes look to the Lord our God,

Until He has mercy on us.

For further study: Daniel 9:3-12

Friday, September 22, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 121

El Señor es tu guardián;

El Señor es tu sombra a tu diestra.

El sol no te alcanzará de día,

Ni la luna por la noche.

Salmo 121

Para estudio adicional: 1 Tesalonicenses 5:14-24

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 121

The Lord is your keeper;

The Lord is your shade at your right hand.

The sun shall not strike you by day,

Nor the moon by night.

For further study: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-24

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 118

La piedra que los constructores rechazaron

Se ha convertido en la principal piedra angular.

Esto era obra del Señor;

Es maravilloso en nuestros ojos.

Este es el día que el Señor ha hecho;

Nos alegraremos y nos alegraremos en él.

Salmo 118

Para estudio adicional: 1 Pedro 2:1-10

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 118

The stone which the builders rejected

Has become the chief cornerstone.

This was the Lord’s doing;

It is marvelous in our eyes.

This is the day the Lord has made;

We will rejoice and be glad in it.

For further study: 1 Peter 2:1-10

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 112

Su justicia perdura para siempre;

Su cuerno será exaltado con honor.

Los impíos la verán y se afligirán;

Él rechinará sus dientes y se derretirá;

El deseo de los impíos perecerá.

Salmo 112

Para estudio adicional: Romanos 8:9-17

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 112

His righteousness endures forever;

His horn will be exalted with honor.

The wicked will see it and be grieved;

He will gnash his teeth and melt away;

The desire of the wicked shall perish.

For further study: Romans 8:9-17

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 106

Oh, visítame con Tu salvación,

Para que pueda ver el beneficio de tus elegidos,

Para gozarme en la alegría de tu nación,

Para gloriarme con tu herencia.

Salmo 106

Para estudio adicional: Romanos 4: 13-25

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 106

Oh, visit me with Your salvation,

That I may see the benefit of Your chosen ones,

That I may rejoice in the gladness of Your nation,

That I may glory with Your inheritance.

For further study: Romans 4:13-25

Monday, September 18, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 94

Porque el Señor no desechará a su pueblo,

Tampoco abandonará su heredad.

Pero el juicio volverá a la justicia,

Y todos los rectos de corazón lo seguirán.

Salmo 94

Para estudio adicional: Romanos 9: 22-33

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 94

For the Lord will not cast off His people,

Nor will He forsake His inheritance.

But judgment will return to righteousness,

And all the upright in heart will follow it.

For further study: Romans 9:22-33

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017 IS NOT the Revelation 12 Sign

For those of you who might have been taken in by the fanaticism surrounding the Revelation 12 sign, which is “scheduled” to appear this coming Saturday, I want to clarify a few things for you and call you away from that heresy. To begin with, I want to relate something that happened to me last spring when most of the talk about this “sign” started to become popular.

Because this sign was being associated with the rapture, many were saying that the rapture would occur with this sign. Essentially, they were setting a date for the rapture. I called out the major actors who have been pushing this “sign.” I pointed out to them that Jesus’ return was likened unto the traditional, Jewish wedding feast. I’ve written about it on this blog before Is Jesus Coming in 2017. When I pressed this point, I was told that I was ignorant and was cursed and called some very unpleasant and derogatory things. Not what one would expect from a Christian.

Since that time, I have kept things under wraps and worked in a different direction. I’ve remained focused on encouraging whoever happens to read what I write to humble themselves and exalt Jesus above all things. I am not backing off of that now and I am not going to. What I am going to do is point out the major errors in what is being called the Revelation 12 sign, which I believe is not a sign of God, but a sign of Satan and its purpose is to confuse. This sign has been heavily pushed with some sort of agenda behind it and I will explain my reasoning behind that as well.

There are numerous issues involved with the accuracy of this sign, but the most glaring one is that those who are pushing this falsehood are saying that Jupiter is the king who is to be born. They have showed the gestational period with Jupiter inside of Virgo and it has been perfectly fit together… blah, blah, blah. Where for the most part those things are true, Jupiter IS NOT the representation of Jesus among the signs in the sky. Instead, Jupiter is the SON OF SATAN and this is a sign of what the Bible calls the Man of Sin. Let me explain.

In Greek mythology, Cronus (Saturn to the Romans) led a revolt against his father, Uranus, in order to become king of the gods. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Saturn was said to consume his newborn children as they were born and so when Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans) was born, Rhea, the wife of Uranus and Cronus mother, tricked him into swallowing a rock instead. Then Zeus beat down Cronus with the help of his brothers and sisters. This is mythology, of course, but you have an understanding of who Jupiter is.

Jupiter is the king of the gods (little “g” gods) and the son of Saturn who is known as and depicted as the dragon. Ironically enough, Satan is also called the dragon. That’s not really ironic, but a clear message. To substitute the symbol of Jupiter as the King of Kings is an ENORMOUS DECEPTION. Throughout the Bible, the sign of the King of Kings has been the sun (the light of the world), not one of the planets. Therefore, to have the sign of Jupiter being born of the virgin (Virgo) is a twisting of the truth. This is a major, major, major error that you must recognize from this “sign” which is supposed to represent the birth of Jesus this Saturday.

In addition to this enormous deception, Jupiter actually passed out of the womb of Virgo (crossed over the line between the two stars which would form the bottom sign of her womb) a week or so ago, between the 6th and 10th of September. However, September 23rd has remained a solid date throughout. You have to ask why? What is significant about September 23rd? What is being set up for September 23rd which needs to be so firmly kept? I don’t know the answer to that, but because of the deception which is already being played out and the way I was shut down last spring when I raised objections about it, I can’t help being suspicious about what sort of thing is being set up. Who is truly behind pushing the date September 23rd?

I can’t give you answers to these questions, I can only speculate. Based on the fact that the sign of September 23rd, in my opinion, is actually a sign of the birth of the Man of Sin, the son of Satan, then the logical deception would be to usher in that man and establish him as being the Messiah. Please understand that I am not saying that The Anti-Christ will be revealed on September 23rd. What I am saying is that I believe that this deception is a set up for revealing the Man of Sin and might be referred back to at some point as some sort of proof. Armed with the understanding that Jupiter IS NOT the Biblical sign of Jesus, you should not be taken in by any deception which points back to this sign as any form of proof for anything.

There is more to the passage in Revelation 12. Unfortunately, I do not have a clear picture of what that is all about, but I cannot accept that a sign which demonstrates the birth of Jupiter, the son of the dragon, Saturn can be associated with the true virgin birth of Jesus, the King of Kings. I also have a hard time swallowing the fact that Jupiter already passed out of the womb of Virgo (this sounds silly to me as I write it, but this is how it is being told and I’m using their language) more than a week ago, but they are holding firm to their September 23rd date so that the moon and sun and planets all align to fit their narrative. I think there is an enormous deception being played out in this.

Two places I would encourage you to look for deception. Over the past several months I have been studying things concerning the End Times heavily. I won’t draw a chart or give any rapture dates or count out days or anything of that kind. I don’t believe that serves anyone. What I will tell you is that I believe that the Harlot who rides the Beast has already been revealed and I have narrowed down the Beast she is riding to a couple of possibilities which are actually sort of an amalgamation of a larger entity which could easily transform into what is described in Revelation 13. From countless hours of Biblical and historical study, I think you should be very, very cautious of anything related to the United Nations, the European Union, NATO and the Vatican.

Because I will be asked anyway, there is no doubt in my mind that the Vatican is the Harlot. She speaks blasphemy, she creates deception, she is not the church, but a pagan cult posing as the church, she has made all of the nations of the world drink from her cup and she is drunk on the blood of the saints (according to historical sources, the number of Christians martyred by the papacy since its beginning numbers close to 66 million). The Vatican orders the United Nations, the Vatican orders the European Union and I believe has an enormous impact on what NATO does as well.

Pope Francis has already been working on world ecumenicalism with Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and other religions. The conference which is taking place the first week of November in Germany will be an attempt to draw Protestants back under the rule of the Vatican. He is working on establishing a One World Religion. I believe the Vatican has been pulling strings concerning international relations and world diplomacy as well.

None of that was meant to scare you, anger you or confuse you. It is meant to drive you to your knees, to humble you and make you call out to Jesus. Jesus is the only one to be exalted. Jesus is the only one worthy of glory and honor and praise. Jesus is the only way to be kept away from being deceived by what transpires in the coming days. Jesus is the only hope of escaping the coming tribulation. Jesus and Jesus alone saves. You cannot be good enough. You cannot fulfill the requirements of God on your own and neither can you be delivered from the punishment due to you for your sins through any other means than Jesus, the way, the light, the truth.

Rather than being distracted by the hundreds of things which are coming at you from every direction, maintain your focus on Jesus. Rather than allowing what you see and read on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and what not to distract you, depress you and confuse you, fix your eyes on exalting Jesus. I don’t like that NFL players sit or kneel or raise their fist in defiance of the National Anthem, but that is a very trivial thing compared to the glory of Jesus and the deception which is TRAPPING you and holding you hostage. Jesus is calling you to glorify and exalt Him. Jesus is calling you to sit yourself apart from all of this CRAP. Get out of it! Live the life which is focused on the upward call of the Kingdom of Heaven. Leave fleshly living behind you and strive after the life which the Spirit is calling you to live.

Come out! Come to Jesus! Focus on exalting Jesus! Those who have ears to hear, let them hear to the glory of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 90

¡Vuelve, oh Señor!

¿Cuánto tiempo?

Y ten compasión de tus siervos.

Oh, satisfacernos pronto con tu misericordia,

¡Para que nos regocijemos y nos alegramos todos nuestros días!

Salmo 90

Para más estudio: Filipenses 1: 3-11

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 90

Return, O Lord!

How long?

And have compassion on Your servants.

Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,

That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!

For further study: Philippians 1:3-11

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 88

Señor, Dios de mi salvación,

He llorado día y noche delante de Ti.

Que mi oración vaya delante de Ti;

Inclina tu oído a mi clamor.

Salmo 88

Para mayor estudio: Daniel 6

Songs of Humility and Deliverance: Psalm 88

O Lord, God of my salvation,

I have cried out day and night before You.

Let my prayer come before You;

Incline Your ear to my cry.

For further study: Daniel 6

Friday, September 15, 2017

Canciones de la humilidad y liberacion: Salmo 80

Restauradnos, oh Dios de los ejércitos;

Causa Su cara para brillar,

¡Y seremos salvos!

Salmo 80

Para estudio adicional: Números 6:22-27